At the 区域运输区, the safety and security of our riders is a top priority. Our system-wide safety plan encompasses safety topics related to RTD's operations, 我们的乘客, 司机, 骑自行车的人和行人. 作为大都市区社区的重要成员, RTD一直致力于创造一个更安全的交通环境.
火车和公共汽车总是在移动, it is important to educate our riders and the public about the importance of safety on and around our transit system. RTD于2010年启动了安全合作伙伴计划, 哪个是RTD员工之间的合作成果, passengers and the public to create awareness of safety issues and take actions to promote a safer environment around our buses, 火车, 轨道和交叉路口.
Our partners at the Denver Police Department are committed to reducing auto thefts in Denver with their DenverTrack program. DenverTracks works with vehicle GPS systems to track stolen vehicles in real time. 如欲了解更多及登记车辆, 点击这里.
- 400多名安保人员 为您服务.
- 300小时以上 经过专门的操作员培训,可以操作任何车辆.
- 两个调度中心 with 911 certified operators who can connect you with emergency response resources whenever needed.
- 超过12000台摄像机 across our stations to deter criminal activity and secure footage to aid in investigations.
- 烟雾和一氧化碳探测器可以拯救生命. These detectors should be tested every month and batteries replaced at least once a year.
- HEPA air purifiers and HVAC air filters – HEPA or high efficiency particulate air systems help eliminate small particles from the air in your home, 哪些对季节性过敏的人有帮助. HVAC filters should be replaced on a regular basis to keep your HVAC system running efficiently. 炉子过滤器和空调过滤器促进健康生活.
- Check your medicine cabinet and first aid kits for outdated medications that should be properly disposed of, 或者检查需要补充的物品,比如创可贴, 抗菌软膏, 退烧或止痛剂.
- Visually inspect your home for water leaks or mold which can grow in cold, 在你家周围黑暗潮湿的地方. Mold can cause a variety of health issues from mild irritations to serious illnesses.
- 春季大扫除是一项累人的工作. 当你累的时候不要匆忙或继续工作. 还记得 to take breaks, drink lots of water, and rest instead of being unsafe.
- 搬运大件家具和电器时要小心. Use the proper lifting technique and find someone for assistance for items too large for one person to move.
- Be safe on ladders and step sTools - having someone available to hold the ladder steady is good rule of thumb.
- 为了防止火灾危险,清洁干燥机通风口和烟囱烟道.
- 保持楼梯,消除绊倒的危险, 登陆, 走道上没有箱子, 包和其他杂物.
- Always follow cleaning product labels, safety instructions and recommendations.
- 清洁有灰尘的地方时戴上口罩.
- Put away all cleaning supplies when done as a preventative measure around children and pets.
- 重新评估你家的安全. 检查所有窗户是否有锁和纱窗, 所有入口都要锁好,包括车库门. 车库门代码应定期更换. 安全窗井, 狭窄空间, 门廊, 甲板和围栏确保你的院子对你来说是安全的, 孩子和宠物. 确保大门上的锁是安全的. Install lighting and motion sensors, especially for back entrances that aren’t visible to the public.
- An overall home inspection and necessary maintenance will keep your home safe for years to come